This Pinos village to Bernia circular walk is one of the longer ones the Monday Club do, and it is in one of the most beautiful areas as well. We had a good crowd of 17 for this popular walk
We park well into the mountains and walk up a steep road, but then its off road onto a track heading for the Bernia mountains
As always there is a lot of climbing involved
When you get your breath back after the climb, the views take it away again
The climb is followed by a good level path towards the Bernia, and at last the path is good enough to be able to take your eyes off where you are putting your feet
With such a large group the walk quickly developed into three walks, with a fair gap between each one. But it gave me a good opportunity to take this sort of shot with Bernia as a backdrop for the front group
Any opportunity to sit and take off the back pack, not to mention something to eat. Its not for nothing that we call them “banana stops”
By the end of the next climb it was midday, and we were all very hot from a stiff climb. So this shaded area was very welcome for a quick water stop
Or indeed a quick apple stop!
From here we wealked through the woods towards the car park area at the start of the Bernia walk
This is another section where it is safe to look around at the scenery, and you are spoilt for choice. Apart from the mountains, there are also long views right to the coast.